Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Life of Fantasy

My exposure to fantasy sports came much later than I had discovered my passion for the sports themselves. I had always had a deep love for the "big three" sports: basketball, baseball, and football. But for me, it was much deeper than simply playing them or watching them on TV (though I have always thoroughly enjoyed both). In fact, the thing about sports that thrills my soul the most is statistics - and due to the seemingly infinite amount of stats that are available for sports today, I have always had a bountiful source of pleasure from analyzing and even creating my own statistics.

It was roughly three years ago that I joined my first fantasy league, and I wish it were an exaggeration to say I've been addicted from the first. Fantasy sports, played online, allow a user ("manager") to draft, sign, release, and trade professional athletes while competing in an internet league. The manager's online team compiles the stats that his players are producing in real life, while the manager competes against other fantasy managers. This media text has been an awesome source of enjoyment for me as I connect my own love for sports and stats with the professional sports through fantasy. While I have to be careful that it doesn't take up time that I should be using for something more important, fantasy sports have offered me pleasure, release, and excitement over the past three years.

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